In this video, you will learn to layout a dovetail joint.
This content offers a foothold for your ascent into the fascinating world of woodworking.
To learn to cut and glue your dovetail joint, be sure to watch the next video: How to Make a Dovetail Joint - Part Two.
This content offers a foothold for your get into the fascinating world of woodworking.
To learn to cut and glue your dovetail joint, be sure to watch the next video: How to Make a Dovetail Joint - Part Two.
The step-by-step instructions in this two-part tutorial will show you everything you need to know to learn how to make a dovetail joint.
Music - Gilles B
In this video you will learn how to make a dovetail joint.
The dovetail joint is one among the strongest joints in woodworking.
When the joint is assembled, it can’t be twisted or racked and stays together, even without glue.
The shape of the dovetail makes it impossible to take apart in one direction and difficult in the other.
The tools and material you will require are a dovetail marker, a dovetail square, a sliding bevel, a marking knife, a bevel edge chisel, a mallet, a coping saw, a pencil, a marking gauge, a try square and two workpieces.
Step 1 - Marking.
The essential detail in the Dovetail Joint is the layout of the cuts.
(((((There are many ways to mark dovetails.)))))
Place the edge of one workpiece at a 90 degree angle on the other piece as shown here.
Draw a line on the horizontal piece that marks the thickness of the vertical piece.
Now, use a dovetail marker to mark out the dovetails.
You can also use a dovetail square to mark the dovetails.
Mark the sides that are going to be on the top and the sides facing outside with a pencil.
Use the marking gauge to measure the thickness of one workpiece and scribe a line on the other workpiece where the two will make contact.
Watch the video How to Use a Marking and Mortise Gauge.
Highlight the line with a pencil and a try square.
Mark 2 cms inside of the workpiece so that the dovetails are not too close to the edges.
Dawn a line through it with a marking knife and a try square.
Repeat the process on the other side Highlight the lines using a pencil and try square.
Mark a line at 3 cms from the 2cms line.
The number of dovetails and the distance between them may vary as per requirement.
Mark the lines on the side to the top of the workpiece.
Use a sliding bevel set at 15 to 20 degrees and a marking knife to mark out the dovetails.
Highlight the lines with a pencil.
Repeat the steps on the opposite side.
Extend the line marking the thickness to the remaining sides.
Mark the waste wood with a pencil.
For the remaining steps, continue watching How to Make a Dovetail Joint part 2.
Watch the video How to Make a Dovetail Joint part 2.