In this video, you will learn how to use a c-clamp in woodworking.
This video hopes to initiate newcomers to the field of woodworking.
Don't miss out on our video on How to use a Jorgensen Clamp.
The C-clamp is a key piece of equipment in woodwork. Find out how to use it in this simple tutorial video.
Music - Gilles B
In this video you will learn how to use a C-clamp, also known as a G clamp.
A C clamp is a C shaped clamp that is commonly used in woodworking.
It is essential for gluing jobs and holding wood pieces while you saw, plane or chisel them.
The clamp has several parts.
The anvil, the shoe, the ball and socket, the screw, the tommy bar, the throat, which is the width between the frame and the screw, and the length or the opening.
The anvil.
the shoe.
the ball and socket.
the screw.
the tommy bar.
the throat.
To tighten the clamp turn the bar clockwise.
To loosen the bar, turn counter clockwise.
Take special care when working with delicate woods.
Always use a piece of scrap wood as buffer between the workpiece and the clamp.
The scrap wood protects the workpiece and also distributes the pressure more evenly than the clamp alone.
Turn the tommy bar clockwise to tighten the clamp.
To remove the clamp, the the tommy bar anti-clockwise.
If you need to clamp a long piece of work, you can line up several clamps rather than using two clamps at maximum tightening capacity.
It is advisable to keep the tommy bar on top so that it is easy to loosen and tighten again if necessary.
You can also use a C clamp as an auxiliary clamp to hold the workpiece at a convenient height and position.
In this case the workpiece needs to extend well out of the workbench so that it can be cut.
If the clamp is too big, it puts considerable stress on the screw and the frame.
In general, the work should fit in well in the throat of the clamp.
It also tends to spring the screw out of alignment.
You have now learnt to use a C-clamp.
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